Editable Tilemap Layer

The Editable Tilemap Layer is an object of type Phaser.Tilemaps.TilemapLayer that you can create using the tilemap editor included in Phaser Editor. This object is similar to TilemapLayer only instead of loading the tilemap from an external file designed in a third-party tool, the Editable Tilemap Layer can be edited in the scene editor.

When you select an object of this type, you can perform the operations common to all game objects, such as editing it, deleting it, moving it in the display list, etc... However, what you will generally need to do is edit its content, the tilemap. To do this, you must select the tilemap it belongs to and use the tools provided. Click on the Edit Map button or press the P key. In the EditableTilemapLayer section you will find a guide to editing the map.

Editable tilemap layer properties

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