Main menu

The Main menu lists common general commands. You can open it by pressing in the menu button at the right of the Main toolbar:

Main menu.

  • Open Project: launches the native directory chooser to open a new project.
  • Close Project: closes the current project and returns to the Start page.
  • Reload Project: reloads the project files.
  • Compile Project: compiles all compilable files of the project. For example, the scene and component files. This does not include TypeScript files or any other format with external compilers.
  • Open Visual Studio Code: opens the project in a local Visual Studio Code instance. This is available only if the Phaser Editor server is running in desktop mode. You can configure a different external editor. Check the -external-editor-command server option.
  • Layout: It shows a list of supported window layouts.
  • Select Color Theme: opens the Color Themes dialog.
  • Command Palette: opens the Command Palette.
  • Settings: opens the Settings dialog.
  • Check For Updates: checks if there is a new version.
  • Phaser Explorer: opens a new window with the Phaser Explorer, an advanced tool to browse the Phaser API and examples.
  • Help: opens this documentation in the browser.
  • About: opens the About dialog.
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