

<static> DecomposeMatrixResults

translateXnumberNoThe translated x value.
translateYnumberNoThe translated y value.
rotationnumberNoThe rotation value.
scaleXnumberNoThe scale x value.
scaleYnumberNoThe scale y value.

Type: object

Member of: Phaser.Types.GameObjects

Source: src/gameobjects/typedefs/DecomposeMatrixResults.js#L1
Since: 3.60.0


<static> Face

vertex1Phaser.Types.GameObjects.VertexNoThe first face vertex.
vertex2Phaser.Types.GameObjects.VertexNoThe second face vertex.
vertex3Phaser.Types.GameObjects.VertexNoThe third face vertex.
isCounterClockwisebooleanNoAre the vertices counter-clockwise?

Type: object

Member of: Phaser.Types.GameObjects

Source: src/gameobjects/typedefs/Face.js#L1
Since: 3.50.0


<static> GameObjectConfig

xnumber | objectYes0The x position of the Game Object.
ynumber | objectYes0The y position of the Game Object.
depthnumberYes0The depth of the GameObject.
flipXbooleanYesfalseThe horizontally flipped state of the Game Object.
flipYbooleanYesfalseThe vertically flipped state of the Game Object.
scalenumber | objectYesnullThe scale of the GameObject.
scrollFactornumber | objectYesnullThe scroll factor of the GameObject.
rotationnumber | objectYes0The rotation angle of the Game Object, in radians.
anglenumber | objectYesnullThe rotation angle of the Game Object, in degrees.
alphanumber | objectYes1The alpha (opacity) of the Game Object.
originnumber | objectYesnullThe origin of the Game Object.
scaleModenumberYes"ScaleModes.DEFAULT"The scale mode of the GameObject.
blendModenumberYes"BlendModes.DEFAULT"The blend mode of the GameObject.
visiblebooleanYestrueThe visible state of the Game Object.
addbooleanYestrueAdd the GameObject to the scene.

Type: object

Member of: Phaser.Types.GameObjects

Source: src/gameobjects/typedefs/GameObjectConfig.js#L1
Since: 3.0.0


<static> GetCalcMatrixResults

cameraPhaser.GameObjects.Components.TransformMatrixNoThe calculated Camera matrix.
spritePhaser.GameObjects.Components.TransformMatrixNoThe calculated Sprite (Game Object) matrix.
calcPhaser.GameObjects.Components.TransformMatrixNoThe calculated results matrix, factoring all others in.

Type: object

Member of: Phaser.Types.GameObjects

Source: src/gameobjects/typedefs/GetCalcMatrixResults.js#L1
Since: 3.50.0


<static> JSONGameObject

namestringNoThe name of this Game Object.
typestringNoA textual representation of this Game Object, i.e. sprite.
xnumberNoThe x position of this Game Object.
ynumberNoThe y position of this Game Object.
scaleobjectNoThe scale of this Game Object
scale.xnumberNoThe horizontal scale of this Game Object.
scale.ynumberNoThe vertical scale of this Game Object.
originobjectNoThe origin of this Game Object.
origin.xnumberNoThe horizontal origin of this Game Object.
origin.ynumberNoThe vertical origin of this Game Object.
flipXbooleanNoThe horizontally flipped state of the Game Object.
flipYbooleanNoThe vertically flipped state of the Game Object.
rotationnumberNoThe angle of this Game Object in radians.
alphanumberNoThe alpha value of the Game Object.
visiblebooleanNoThe visible state of the Game Object.
scaleModenumberNoThe Scale Mode being used by this Game Object.
blendModenumber | stringNoSets the Blend Mode being used by this Game Object.
textureKeystringNoThe texture key of this Game Object.
frameKeystringNoThe frame key of this Game Object.
dataobjectNoThe data of this Game Object.

Type: object

Member of: Phaser.Types.GameObjects

Source: src/gameobjects/typedefs/JSONGameObject.js#L1
Since: 3.0.0


<static> Vertex

xnumberNoThe x coordinate of the vertex.
ynumberNoThe y coordinate of the vertex.
znumberNoThe z coordinate of the vertex.
normalXnumberNoThe x normal of the vertex.
normalYnumberNoThe y normal of the vertex.
normalZnumberNoThe z normal of the vertex.
unumberNoUV u texture coordinate of the vertex.
vnumberNoUV v texture coordinate of the vertex.
alphanumberNoThe alpha value of the vertex.

Type: object

Member of: Phaser.Types.GameObjects

Source: src/gameobjects/typedefs/Vertex.js#L1
Since: 3.50.0

Updated on